Eva Selhub, MD is an internationally recognized resilience expert, integrative health physician, author, speaker, scientist, and health consultant who bridges spirituality to managing stress, achieving optimal health, and finding everlasting joy. Dr. Eva engages her clients and her audiences with her powerful energy, words of wisdom, and scientific knowledge to empower others to transform their health and their lives for the better. She resides in Newtonville, Massachusetts.
Unfortunately, due to the design of the female genital tract, women are more likely to get urinary tract infections (UTIs) than men. And for some women it’s a constant battle—especially after menopause or if they have a pre-existing condition like diabetes. This can really affect quality of life, as symptoms of a UTI can include…
If you’re like many people, you spend a large part of your life on your computer, watching TV, and skimming or checking your smartphone, driving in your car, and sitting at your desk looking at a screen. You rarely get out into nature. And while you may realize that this isn’t healthy, you simply don’t…
Ahhh. The smell of spring! Don’t you just love it? Oh wait. You haven’t noticed a thing because you’re glued to your smartphone—even when crossing the street. If you’re like most people in the United States, your own a smartphone and you’re addicted to it. Did you know that 64 percent of American adults own…
While I’m not advocating for drinking too much alcohol, the reality is that people drink—and they often drink too much or at least more than the body can handle without symptoms the next day. You may, for example, notice that you get headaches and brain fog the day after drinking one or two alcoholic beverages…
This post was originally written for mindbodygreen.com A dear friend called me worried the other day, wondering if she was at risk for having a heart attack because she took ibuprofen once or twice a month for migraines. She was asking because the media had reported on a recent study warning that people who took…
Did you know, that compared to 1980, we cram in an extra 4.4 hours per day of information consumption outside of work? Our brain is actually wired to seek information and we, as a society, has become addicted to the screen, with the lure of instant screen-based information being over-powering, just like the lure of…
Originally written for mindbodygreen.com Photo: Getty I understand not wanting to have certain things in your medical chart, but it’s never a good idea to lie to your doctor—the person who’s job it is to help keep you healthy. Why do you do it? Probably for the same reason as everyone else: you are scared to…
A recent study published in the January issue of the Journal of Psychosomatic Research reported that meditation retreats are moderately to largely effective
In the 25-plus years that I’ve worked in medicine, I’ve seen many changes and advances in the science of weight loss.
Our lives have become so modern and convenient that sometimes it’s hard to imagine what it was like when food was not fast, easy, and readily available. But our ancestors had a very different experience, often going for long periods without eating. As such, their bodies had to be prepared and evolved to be able…