Eva Selhub, MD is an internationally recognized resilience expert, integrative health physician, author, speaker, scientist, and health consultant who bridges spirituality to managing stress, achieving optimal health, and finding everlasting joy. Dr. Eva engages her clients and her audiences with her powerful energy, words of wisdom, and scientific knowledge to empower others to transform their health and their lives for the better. She resides in Newtonville, Massachusetts.

Remembering: We Are All Energy

Save Your Health, Put Down the Smartphone and Get Away to Nature

Did you know, that compared to 1980, we cram in an extra 4.4 hours per day of information consumption outside of work? Our brain is actually wired to seek information and we, as a society, has become addicted to the screen, with the lure of instant screen-based information being over-powering, just like the lure of…