Dealing with Diet Sabotagers
Have you noticed that every time you attempt to eat healthy, live healthy or think healthy, someone you know and love sabotages your efforts?
Have you noticed that every time you attempt to eat healthy, live healthy or think healthy, someone you know and love sabotages your efforts?
Ask your heart, “Who am I really? Who am I as my strong, beautiful, incredible self? Who is that person?”
As someone who travels a lot, having a good experience while flying is always a plus.
We all have the right to feel angry.
I am whole. I am all one. We are all one.
I am contemplating the path it took me to want to live life fully rather than simply living life because I was scared of dying.
As many of you know, I have been living with back pain for over 30 years.
Many of the staff that work at Hopewell are individuals who have been through and are continuing through the substance abuse recovery process themselves.
How many people do you know who still think they are being more “healthy” by drinking diet sodas?
When any of us live in the state of a closed heart, we miss the miracles of the right now.