If You Do Only One Thing For Your Anxiety - Make It This

If You Do Only One Thing For Your Anxiety – Make It This

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, approximately one in five adults in the United States – approximately 43.8 million – experiences mental illness in a given year and approximately one in 25 adults in the United States – 9.8 million – experiences a serious mental illness in a given year that substantially interferes with or limits their ability to do normal activities.


Be The Best Leader You Can Be! Using Stress to Your Advantage

Be The Best Leader You Can Be! Using Stress to Your Advantage

A Lawyer’s Guide to Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Wellness: Staying Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually Healthy! Using Stress to Your Advantage Eva Selhub, MD Eva Selhub, MD; Guiding you to the best version of you through my 6 pillars of health” Learn more at ; Author of, Your Health Destiny, The Love Response and…


Successful Relationships

Successful Relationships

You are likely familiar with the current statistic that 50% of marriages end in divorce, which might tell us that the majority of couples are not happy, or at least one of the partners is not. Studies show that most second marriages end in divorce too, suggesting that remarried adults may be more likely than adults in first marriages to take steps toward divorce when experiencing marital distress, possibly reflecting a weaker commitment to marriage.


Here is What the Science Says About Health & Spirituality

Over the past couple of decades, scientists have taken an interest in examining the effects of spirituality on health. And indeed, the growing evidence points to the idea that greater spirituality correlates with better mental health regardless of religion and healthy behaviors. In fact, studies show that a spiritual outlook of some kind makes humans…
