6 Choices That Will Help You Stay Strong, Flexible and Happy As You Age
Ultimately, you want your body to stay flexible, to use energy efficiently, to handle stress effectively, and bounce back stronger from adversity.
Ultimately, you want your body to stay flexible, to use energy efficiently, to handle stress effectively, and bounce back stronger from adversity.
Granted, when you have your nails or hair done, someone else is doing the work. But feeling good, not just looking good, is worth it. It’s priceless.
I just got back from the CrossFit Northeast Regional competition where I wasn’t sure where to look.
I remember my extended family calling me chubby as early as age six.
There are times when I am extremely thankful for air conditioning.
Your gastrointestinal tract takes on a lot of stress.
The problem is that statistics show that 1 out of every 4 women will get breast cancer. It is a scary and chilling statistic.
I recently had the honor and the joy of watching my CrossFit friends compete in the Crossfit Open Games.
So, according to my aches and pains, it seems I am still alive and still going to CrossFit. The last I checked, I am still showing up.
After the first week at CrossFit, I wasn’t sure I was going to make it through the entire month.