I meditated today.
I surrendered to the beauty of life as it is, not as I thought it should be.
I allowed for all to occur, good and bad, and I realized this:
We are all perfect creatures, with all of our facets and aspirations, our knowledge, our faults.
You and I are creatures of perfection, emanating light and love in unknown proportions and we are unaware of this.
We are unaware that Love is me and that Love is you.
We are unaware that we are loved and embraced
by pieces and particles of infinite love and light.
It is in between these particles that hardships and questions get through.
It is these hardships and questions which seem to create the chaos and stress, by which we must learn to face, transgress, learn and evolve in order to close the gaps between these particles and feel whole.
Perhaps we do not need to try so hard.
Perhaps all we need to do is realize Love, not just on a superficial level, but on a non-linear, non-dimensional level.
We need to realize that Love is in and around and of and about and involved and all-encompassing.
That Love is present even in the space between the particles.
This is the same space as the space between our words and other sounds, so we must listen.
This is the same space as the space between the leaves and the space between the clouds, so we must look.
This is the same space as the space between each grain of sand and the space between one another, so we must feel.
Love is in this space.
In this space there is silence
In this space there is YOU.
by Eva Selhub, MD