Let go of that which doesn’t serve you any more and make room for that which does!
You cannot control the tide nor influence it. You can, however, go with it rather than against it. Nature moves from one season into the next without looking back. Mother Earth just as soon lets a forest fire burn as a flower bloom, without fear or attachment to the past, clearing out the old to make room for the birth of the new.
Unlike nature, we often hold back and hold on. Rather than blooming like a flower, we contract into a bud, ruminating about the past and fearing the uncertainty of the future. In our fear, we are not only preventing ourselves from having new experiences, but from allowing in good to come into our lives, including love and abundance.
In order to connect to the myriad of possibilities life has to offer us, we want to let go of our fears, or whatever else we are holding onto that is keeping us from moving forward into a brand new US.
So this New Year, make a resolution to be stronger than your fear. Make a resolution to trust the flow of the tide and rather than resist the changes ahead, embrace them. Resolve to “let go and allow.”
Here is a simple practice:
1. Accept whatever feeling of fear, trepidation, resistance to change or worry you may have for your future. Whatever you are feeling, breathe it into your heart with love and acceptance.
2. Remember that there is a huge human experience available to you that you may not be able to touch, see or comprehend at the moment. Think of it as a big vast space of possibilities. Breathe in this big vast space of possibilities into your heart.
3. As you exhale, imagine the walls and tension around your heart are melting away. Every time you exhale, the walls melt away or float away into the vast space around you.
4. As the walls melt away, your heart expands so that it becomes big and vast, like the cosmos itself. Perhaps you may notice that it feels as if you are floating in this vast space….A vast space of infinite possibilities.
5. Relax in this vast space and repeat to yourself, “I let go and I allow.”
Thank you Eva, for sharing your insights. I am enjoying your book “Your Brain on Nature”.