This is the most recent production of Dr. Eva Selhub & Steven Halpern: Life-affirming meditations by Dr. Selhub combined with Steven Halpern’s healing music support your health and wellbeing.
About the Tracks:
Qi gong breath: Use this ancient chinese meditation to improve inner balance and vitality.
The SHIELD: Dr. Selhub's proprietary technique will help you address tension, anxiety or stress, to find peace, relaxation and clarity.
The Space Between the Leaves: Discover the space where infinite love and stillness exist.
Perfect as you are: Over-ride anxiety, especially that which is related to your performance or need for approval by others by knowing, deep in your heart, you are perfect just as you are.
Release: Escape your every day worries and release the burdens that way you down, to find balance and the notion that anything is possible.
The Circle of Breath: You cannot hold on to anything, especially your breath. Relieve your anxiety by learning to let go, using the circle of your breath.
You are safe: Inherently, especially as life becomes overwhelming, we want to know we will be okay, that we are safe. Dr. Selhub will guide you to use your imagination to achieve this feeling.
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