Confronting Transition Fears
Transitions are inevitable. Sometimes, the prospect of making a transition is exciting, but more often, it
Transitions are inevitable. Sometimes, the prospect of making a transition is exciting, but more often, it
When it’s sunny and warm outside, we’re prone to feel like a weight off our shoulders. The same is true with autumn and winter…
Nature just as soon lets a forest fire burn as a flower bloom. It’s not personal. Which makes it that much more unsettling, because there is no fighting mother nature. So instead, we fight one another, as made painfully apparent in the race to elect a new president of the United States. For…
Do you ever find yourself feeling a bit antsy in the evening for no particular reason?
Ice Cream versus Avocado. Now that is not a typical comparison, is it?
Did you know that by 2005, the total number of cardiovascular disease (CVD) deaths (mainly coronary heart disease,
It is likely that a major contributor to why pets offer such health benefits is that loving or enjoy the company of your pet raises oxytocin levels.
If they end game is living longer and being more happy, what will you choose?
You also give it a chance to let you know why it is there, providing you with an opportunity to go deeper in your healing process.
Is the state of the world, bad news or politics affecting your health? It may be and you may not even be aware of it.