Eva Selhub, MD is an internationally recognized resilience expert, integrative health physician, author, speaker, scientist, and health consultant who bridges spirituality to managing stress, achieving optimal health, and finding everlasting joy. Dr. Eva engages her clients and her audiences with her powerful energy, words of wisdom, and scientific knowledge to empower others to transform their health and their lives for the better. She resides in Newtonville, Massachusetts.

If You Do Only One Thing For Your Anxiety - Make It This

If You Do Only One Thing For Your Anxiety – Make It This

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, approximately one in five adults in the United States – approximately 43.8 million – experiences mental illness in a given year and approximately one in 25 adults in the United States – 9.8 million – experiences a serious mental illness in a given year that substantially interferes with or limits their ability to do normal activities.